Dr. Horacio Astudillo
Founding partner, Chairman of the Board and Scientific Director of Nanopharmacia Group
Surgeon and Midwife, graduated from the Higher School of Medicine of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) of Mexico.
Master of Science in the specialty in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the IPN (CINVESTAV-IPN).
PhD of Sciences in the specialty in Molecular Biomedicine (ENMyH-IPN).
Researcher at the Translational Research and Cellular Therapy Laboratory of the Siglo XXI National Medical Center, Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).
- Founding partner, Chairman of the Board and Scientific Director of Nanopharmacia Group
- Member of the National System of Researchers (Level I).
- Full Professor of the Graduate School of Health of the Military Medical School of the University of the Army and Armed Forces of Mexico (2000-2013).
- Visiting Researcher at the German Cancer Research Center in the City of Heidelberg, Germany (2002, 2003 and 2004) and at the MD Anderson Cancer Center of the University of Texas in the City of Houston Texas, USA (2005).
- Opinion leader and scientific advisor for projects, programs, new molecules or new detection systems based on molecular biomarkers for personalized cancer medicine for multiple national and international pharmaceutical and molecular diagnostic companies.
- Currently responsible for 5 national programs for the personalization of new drugs in Cancer at the national level (KRAS: MERCK, AMGEN, PiSA; EGFR: ASTRA-ZENECA; ALK: PFIZER).
- Co-Editor of the Mexican Journal of Mastology since 2012.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Cancerology Since 2015.
- Member of the following scientific societies and committees:
- Active Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, since 1996.
- Consultant and Evaluator, of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), since 1998
- Active Member of the National Society of Human Genetics of Mexico since 2004.
- Active Allied-member, of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) since 2004.
- Associate member, of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) since 2005.
- Active Member of the National Society of Immunology (Mexico) since 2005.
- Active member of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) since 2005.
- Active Member of the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM) since 2006.
- Active Member of the Mexican Association of Mastology (Commission on Genetics) since 2006.
- Active member de la American Association for Advancing of Science (AAAS) since 2006.
- Active member de la American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) since 2008.
- Active Allied Member of the Mexican Society of Oncological Studies (SMeO) since 2010.
- Member of the Editorial Committee of the Mexican Journal of Mastology since 2010.
- Member of the Editorial Committee of the Mexican Gazette of Oncology since 2010.
- Latin American Award in Oncological Research “Aida Weiss Foundation” 1999, in the category of chair, program or study plan in oncology.
- Award for the best paper presented at the CELL DEATH SOCIETY 1999 congress at the Queen College of Medicine, New York, USA.
- Winner of the Best Poster Award 2004 at the Congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) held in the city of Vienna, Austria.
- Award for the best scientific research protocol (2nd Place) from the PROGRESA program of the pharmaceutical company Ely-Lilly of Mexico.
- National Research Award 2006 (1st Place) “Dr. Héctor Márquez Monter” of the Mexican Society of Human Genetics A.C. and the University of Chihuahua during the XXXI National Congress of Human Genetics “Medical Genetics and its Evolution”
- National Research Award in Oncology 2014 from the Mexican Society for Oncological Studies (SMeO).
- National Award in Food Science and Technology 2016 with the work “Resveratrol and Breast Cancer” from CONCACyT and the Coca-Cola Foundation, in its 40th edition.
- Zinc associated nanomaterials and their intervention in emerging respiratory viruses: Journey to the field of biomedicine and biomaterials. CG Rodelo, RA Salinas, EA JaimeArmenta, S Armenta, et al. (2022) Coordination Chemistry Reviews 457, 214402.
- Bio-Acceptable 0D and 1D ZnO nanostructures for cancer diagnostics and treatment. B Ortiz-Casas, A Galdámez-Martínez, J Gutiérrez-Flores, AB Ibañez, et al. (2021) Materials Today 50, 533-569.
- Development of an alternative saliva test for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 using TRIzol: Adapting to countries with lower incomes looking for a large-scale detection program. H Miranda-Ortiz, EA Fernández-Figueroa, EB Ruíz-García, et al. (2021) Plos One 16 (8), e0255807.
- HOX transcript antisense RNA HOTAIR abrogates vasculogenic mimicry by targeting the AngiomiR-204/FAK axis in triple negative breast cancer cells. A Lozano-Romero, H Astudillo-de la Vega, MCR Terrones-Gurrola, et al. (2020) Non-coding RNA 6 (2), 19.
- Osteopontin expression and its relationship with prognostic factors in diffuse large B- cell lymphoma. G Barranco, E Fernández, S Rivas, R Quezada, D Nava, J Aguilar, et al. (2019) Hematology Reports 11 (3).
- Efecto de la suplementación con ácidos grasos omega-3 sobre la toxicidad secundaria a quimioterapia neoadyuvante en pacientes con cáncer de mama localmente avanzado: ensayo …F Rosa Oliva, A Meneses García, H Ruiz Calzada, H Astudillo de la Vega, et al. (2019) Nutrición Hospitalaria 36 (4), 769-776.
- MicroRNA-143 is associated with pathological complete response and regulates multiple signaling proteins in breast cancer. R García-Vázquez, LA Marchat, E Ruíz-García, H Astudillo-De la Vega, et al. (2019) Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 18, 1533033819827309.
- Guía de Práctica Clínica Nacional para el manejo del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas en estadios tempranos, localmente avanzados y metastásicos. F Barrón-Barrón, E Guzmán-De Alba, J Alatorre-Alexander, et al. (2019) Salud Pública de Mexico 61 (3, may-jun), 359-414.
- Combination of metabolic bio-energetic and nutra-epigentic regulators, nutraceutical compounds in conventional and nanotechnologies combination to revert and prevent the … H Astudillo de la Vega US Patent 10,285,963 (2019)
- HypoxamiRs profiling identify miR-765 as a regulator of the early stages of vasculogenic mimicry in SKOV3 ovarian cancer cells. YM Salinas-Vera, D Gallardo-Rincón, R García-Vázquez, et al. (2019) Frontiers in Oncology 9, 381.
- National Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of non-small cell lung cancer in early, locally advanced and metastatic stages. Extended version. F Barrón-Barrón, E Guzmán-De Alba, J Alatorre-Alexander, et al. (2019) Salud Publica de Mexico 61 (3), 359-414.
- DNA repair proteins as therapeutic targets in ovarian cancer. C López-Camarillo, DG Rincón, E Ruiz-García, H Astudillo-de la Vega, et al. (2019) Current Protein and Peptide Science 20 (4), 316-323.
- A novel OsteomiRs expression signature for osteoblast differentiation of human amniotic membrane-derived mesenchymal stem cells. M Avendaño-Félix, L Fuentes-Mera, R Ramos-Payan, M Aguilar-Medina, et al. (2019) BioMed Research International.
- Dietary compounds as epigenetic modulating agents in cancer. Á Carlos-Reyes, JS López-González, M Meneses-Flores, et al. (2019) Frontiers in Genetics 10, 79.
- Epirubicina neoadyuvante con o sin docetaxel secuencial en el tratamiento del cáncer de mama avanzado: evaluación de la respuesta patológica completa y tolerabilidad de la … N Ramírez-Torres, A Pérez-Puentes, C Moctezuma-Meza, et al. (2019) Cirugia y Cirujanos 87 (1), 59-68.
- Clinical and functional analysis of SOX9 in colorectal cancer. E Lizarraga, E Ruiz Garcia, C Lopez-Camarillo, A Meneses, H Astudillo, et al. (2019) Journal of Clinical Oncology 37 (4_suppl), 519-519.
- AngiomiRs: MicroRNAs driving angiogenesis in cancer. YM Salinas-Vera, LA Marchat, D Gallardo-Rincón, E Ruiz-García, et al. (2019) International Journal of Molecular Medicine 43 (2), 657-670.
- MicroRNAs driving angiogenesis in cancer (Review). YM Salinas-Vera, LA Marchat, D Gallardo-Rincon, E Ruiz-Garcia, et al. (2019) J. Mol. Med. 43, 657-670.
- Oncobiome at the forefront of a novel molecular mechanism to understand the microbiome and cancer. H Astudillo-de la Vega, O Alonso-Luna, J Ali-Pérez, C López-Camarillo, et al. Translational Research and Onco-Omics Applications in the Era of Cancer … Springer Books (2019).
- Effects of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation on neoadjuvant chemotherapy-induced toxicity in patients with locally advanced breast cancer: a randomized, controlled, double … F De la Rosa Oliva, AM García, HR Calzada, H Astudillo-de la Vega, et al. (2019) Nutrición Hospitalaria: Organo Oficial de la Sociedad española de nutrición …
- Molecular epidemiology of ALK rearrangements in advanced lung adenocarcinoma in Latin America. O Arrieta, AF Cardona, G Bramuglia, G Cruz-Rico, L Corrales, C Martín, et al. (2019) Oncology 96 (4), 207-216.
- Association between SOX9 expression in Mexican patients with early colon cancer stage. E Ruiz-Garcia, T Galicia, EF Figueroa, S Lino-Silva, C Lopez-Camarillo, et al. (2018) Cancer Research 78 (13 Supplement), 4221-4221.
- Antiproliferative effect of cannabinoid receptor agonists on rectal cancer lines. AO Gómez, P Luna-Merlos, VMG Hernández, AM García, et al. (2018) Cancer Research 78 (13 Supplement), 1903-1903.
- let-7d-3p is associated with apoptosis and response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in ovarian cancer. R García-Vázquez, D Gallardo Rincón, E Ruiz-García, A Meneses García, et al. (2018) Oncology Reports 39 (6), 3086-3094.
- Gastric cancer in Latin America. E Ruíz-García, J Guadarrama-Orozco, S Vidal-Millán, LS Lino-Silva, et al. (2018) Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 53 (2), 124-129.
- Guía de Práctica Clínica Nacional para el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas en estadios tempranos, localmente avanzados y metastásicos. F Barrón Barrón, E Guzmán de Alba, J Alatorre Alexander, et al. (2018) Gaceta Mexicana de Oncología 17 (4), 201-232.
- Predictive value of LRP8, KPNA2 and GDF15 expression to anthracycline/taxane based chemotherapy response in patients with locally advanced breast cancer H Maldonado-Mtz, AL Oscar, A Flores-Perez, MG Abelardo, et al. (2017) Cancer Research 77 (13 Supplement), 1786-1786.
- Frequency and prognostic value of PI3KCA mutations in early stage of colorectal cancer in Mexican patients. E Ruiz-Garcia, A Ortega, A Bahena, E Fernandez, G Calderillo, et al. (2017) Cancer Research 77 (13 Supplement), 2728-2728.
- Frequency of BRAF V600E Mutation in the Mexican Population of Patients With Metastatic Melanoma. E Ruiz-Garcia, JA Matus-Santos, JA Guadarrama-Orozco, et al. (2017) Journal of Global Oncology 4, 1-5.
- MicroRNAs driving invasion and metastasis in ovarian cancer: Opportunities for translational medicine. C Palma Flores, R García-Vázquez, D Gallardo Rincón, E Ruiz-García, et al. (2017) International Journal of Oncology 50 (5), 1461-1476.
- A microRNA signature associated with pathological complete response to novel neoadjuvant therapy regimen in triple-negative breast cancer. R García-Vazquez, E Ruiz-García, A Meneses Garcia, et al. (2017) Tumor Biology 39 (6), 1010428317702899.
- ECOG is as independent predictor of the response to chemotherapy, overall survival and progression-free survival in carcinoma of unknown primary site. R Grajales-Álvarez, A Martin-Aguilar, JA Silva, JG de la Garza-Salazar, et al. (2017) Molecular and Clinical Oncology 6 (5), 643-650.
- Search of the p. M918T mutation in the RET oncogene in Mexican adult patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma. E Ruiz-Garcia, S Vidal-Millan, A Lopez-Yañez, JAP Torres, et al. (2017) Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 125 (04), 218-222.
- Abstract P2-11-10: Effect of supplementation with eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid on the chemotoxicity in Mexican patients with locally … F DelaRosa-Oliva, E Ruiz-Garcia, E Gomez, C Arce-Salinas, et al. (2017) Cancer Research 77 (4 Supplement), P2-11-10-P2-11-10.
- Malignant Transforming Mechanisms of Human Papillomavirus H Astudillo-de la Vega, E Ruiz-Garcia, C Lopez-Camarillo, et al. (2017) Cervical Cancer, Springer Books 35-56.
- Suppression of cell migration is promoted by miR-944 through targeting of SIAH1 and PTP4A1 in breast cancer cells. A Flores-Pérez, LA Marchat, S Rodríguez-Cuevas, VP Bautista, et al. (2016) BMC Cancer 16 (1), 1-12.
- Dual targeting of ANGPT1 and TGFBR2 genes by miR-204 controls angiogenesis in breast cancer. A Flores-Pérez, LA Marchat, S Rodríguez-Cuevas, V Bautista-Piña, et al. (2016) Scientific Reports 6 (1), 1-18.
- Reduction in hepatocyte growth factor serum levels is associated with improved prognosis in advanced lung adenocarcinoma patients treated with afatinib: a phase II trial. O Arrieta, G Cruz-Rico, E Soto-Perez-de-Celis, LA Ramírez-Tirado, et al. (2016) Targeted Oncology 11 (5), 619-629.
- Braf V600E mutation in melanoma: translational current scenario. JA Guadarrama-Orozco, A Ortega-Gómez, EB Ruíz-García, et al. (2016) Clinical and Translational Oncology 18 (9), 863-871.
- Next generation sequencing (NGS) of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD) gene in Mexican patients with gastrointestinal (GI) carcinomas. E Ruiz-Garcia, A Lopez-Yanez, A Ortega, J Guadarrama-Orozco, et al. (2016) Cancer Research 76 (14 Supplement), 3173-3173.
- Methylation landscape of human breast cancer cells in response to dietary compound resveratrol. R Medina-Aguilar, C Pérez-Plasencia, LA Marchat, P Gariglio, et al. (2016) PLoS One 11 (6), e0157866.
- Effect of adding sequential docetaxel to neoadjuvant epirubicin in treatment of advanced breast cancer: Preliminary results of tumor response. N Ramirez-Torres, J Asbun-Bojalil, C Moctezuma, A Perez Puente, et al. (2016) Journal of Clinical Oncology 34 (15_suppl), e12509-e12509.
- Prognostic impact of complete pathological response and lymph node status in patients with advanced breast cancer treated with high-dose neoadjuvant epirubicin. N Ramirez-Torres, A Perez-Puentes, R Rivas-Ruiz, JO Talavera, et al. (2016) Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia 15 (3), 128-137.
- Impacto pronóstico de la respuesta patológica completa y del estado ganglionar en pacientes con cáncer de mama avanzado tratadas con dosis alta de epirrubicina neoadyuvante. N Ramírez-Torres, A Pérez-Puentes, R Rivas-Ruiz, JO Talavera, et al. (2016) Gaceta Mexicana de Oncología 15 (3), 128-137.
- Differential proteomic analysis reveals that EGCG inhibits HDGF and activates apoptosis to increase the sensitivity of non‐small cells lung cancer to chemotherapy. A Flores‐Pérez, LA Marchat, LL Sánchez, D Romero‐Zamora, et al. (2016) PROTEOMICS–Clinical Applications 10 (2), 172-182.
- Micro-RNAs as positive biomarkers of pathological complete response after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal carcinoma. EB Ruiz Garcia, G Lopez-Rosas, C Lopez-Camarillo, S Namendys-Silva, et al. (2016) Journal of Clinical Oncology 34 (4_suppl), 624-624.
- ALK rearrangements epidemiology in Latin America (CLICaP). O Arrieta Rodriguez, AF Cardona, G Bramuglia, G Cruz-Rico, C Martin, et al. (2015) JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY 10 (9), S696-S697.
- Plasma HGF Reduction Is Associated with Better Prognosis in EGFR-Positive Advanced Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients Treated with Afatinib. O Arrieta Rodriguez, G Cruz-Rico, LA Ramirez-Tirado, J Negueb, et al. (2015) JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY 10 (9), S320-S321.
- Determination of the receptor for advanced glycation end-products in breast cancer patients previous chemotherapy. JA Guadarrama-Orozco, EB Ruiz-García, HA Maldonado-Martinez, et al. (2015) Cancer Research 75 (15 Supplement), 5292-5292.
- A pilot study of nimotuzumab plus single agent chemotherapy as second-or third-line treatment or more in patients with recurrent, persistent or metastatic cervical cancer. L Cetina, T Crombet, R Jiménez-Lima, S Zapata, M Ramos, S Avila, et al. (2015) Cancer Biology & Therapy 16 (5), 684-689.
- The impact of common and rare EGFR mutations in response to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors and platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. O Arrieta, AF Cardona, L Corrales, AD Campos-Parra, R Sánchez-Reyes, et al. (2015) Lung cancer 87 (2), 169-175.
- Determination of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD) gene single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in Mexican patients with locally advanced esophageal carcinoma. E Ruiz-Garcia, A Lopez-Yañez, G Caderillo-Ruiz, CZ Deneken, C Diaz, et al. (2015) Journal of Clinical Oncology 33 (3_suppl), 93-93.
- Analysis of the efficacy of neoadjuvant treatment on adding preoperative sequential fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide in patients with advanced breast cancer … N Ramírez-Torres, C Moctezuma-Meza, J Asbun-Bojalil, et al. (2015) Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia, 3-12.
- Análisis de la efectividad del tratamiento neoadyuvante al añadir docetaxel secuencial a fluorouracilo, epirrubicina y ciclofosfamida en pacientes con cáncer de mama avanzado … N Ramírez-Torres, C Moctezuma-Meza, J Asbun-Bojalil, et al. (2015) Gaceta Mexicana de Oncología 14 (1), 3-12.
- Nonbilayer phospholipid arrangements are Toll-like receptor-2/6 and TLR-4 agonists and trigger inflammation in a mouse model resembling human lupus. C Wong-Baeza, A Tescucano, H Astudillo, A Reséndiz, C Landa, et al. (2015) Journal of Immunology Research.
- Proteomic analysis identifies endoribouclease EhL-PSP and EhRRP41 exosome protein as novel interactors of EhCAF1 deadenylase. I López-Rosas, LA Marchat, BG Olvera, N Guillen, C Weber, et al. (2014) Journal of Proteomics 111, 59-73.
- Comparative proteomic profiling of triple-negative breast cancer reveals that up- regulation of RhoGDI-2 is associated to the inhibition of caspase 3 and caspase 9. MAM Lino, Y Palacios-Rodríguez, S Rodríguez-Cuevas, V Bautista-Piña, et al. (2014) Journal of Proteomics 111, 198-211.
- Proteomic profiling reveals that EhPC4 transcription factor induces cell migration through up-regulation of the 16-kDa actin-binding protein EhABP16 in Entamoeba histolytica. OH de la Cruz, M Muñiz-Lino, N Guillén, C Weber, LA Marchat, et al. (2014) Journal of Proteomics 111, 46-58.
- Los microRNA: nuevos biomarcadores en cáncer de mama. C López-Camarillo, MA Fonseca-Sánchez, H Astudillo-de la Vega, et al. (2014) Rev Mex Mastol 4 (3), 100-107.
- Análisis de la efectividad de epirrubicina neoadyuvante de alta dosis al usar 4 vs. 6 ciclos en pacientes con cáncer de mama localmente avanzado. N Ramírez-Torres, A Pérez-Puentes, H Astudillo-de la Vega. (2014) Rev Mex Mastol 4 (3), 91-99.
- MicroRNAs: novel biomarkers in breast cancer. C López-Camarillo, MA Fonseca-Sánchez, H Astudillo-de la Vega, et al. (2014) Revista Mexicana de Mastología 4 (3), 100-107.
- Análisis de efectividad de la epirrubicina neoadyuvante en dosis convencional en pacientes con cáncer de mama localmente avanzado. E Ruiz-García, N Ramírez-Torres, C López-Camarillo, LA Marchat, et al. (2014) Revista Mexicana de Mastología 4 (3), 81-86.
- Serum Albumin (SA) as a Predictor of Response to Chemotherapy in Patients with Locally Advanced (LA) Esophageal Cancer. RG Erika, RS Daniel, C German, ÑS Sylvio, ZM Jesus, D Consuelo, et al. (2014) Annals of Oncology 25, ii53.
- Metastasic colorrectal cancer, towards a customized treatment. FJ Ochoa-Carrillo, A Ruiz-Garcia, H Astudillo-de la Vega, et al. (2014) Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia 13 (1), 39-46.
- Cáncer colorrectal metastásico, hacia un tratamiento personalizado. FJ Ochoa-Carrillo, VH de la Astudillo, I Alvarado-Cabrero, E Ruiz-García, et al. (2014) Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia 13, 39-46.
- Stem Cells in Pancreatic Cancer. JA Guadarrama-Orozco, E Ruiz-Garcia, JC Casarez-Price, et al. Stem Cells in Cancer: Should We Believe or Not?, Springer Books (2014) 167-189.
- Biomarcadores del cáncer de mama vs firmas genómicas: hacia la búsqueda de una terapia personalizada. H Astudillo-de la Vega, É Ruiz-García, D Muñoz-González, et al. (2014) Revista Mexicana de Mastología 4 (1), 9-17.
- Prevalence of BRAF V600E mutation in metastatic melanoma of Mexican Mestizo population. E Ruiz-Garcia, A Meneses, H Martinez-Said, JL Aguilar-Ponce, A Mohar, et al. (2013) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER 49, S875-S875.
- National consensus of diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. O Arrieta, E Guzman-de Alba, LF Alba-López, A Acosta-Espinoza, et al (2013) Revista de Investigacion Clinica; organo del Hospital de Enfermedades de la …
- Síntesis de nanotransportadores poliméricos de nanopartículas de plata y su efecto sobre la remisión neoplásica: estudio in vitro e in vivo en modelo murino. R Casañas Pimentel, E San Mantín Martínez, G Pérez Ishiwara, et al. Instituto Politecnico Nacional (2013).
- Guías de tratamiento médico del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas en el ISSSTE (tercera y última parte). AAEV Solís, CAH Hernández, FA Sarvide, EF González, et al. (2013) Revista de Especialidades Médico-Quirúrgicas 18 (4), 328-330.
- Guías de tratamiento médico del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas en el ISSSTE (segunda parte). AAEV Solís, CAH Hernández, FA Sarvide, EF González, et al. (2013) Revista de Especialidades Médico-Quirúrgicas 18 (3), 241-247.
- Guías de tratamiento médico del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas en el ISSSTE. AAEV Solís, CAH Hernández, FA Sarvide, EF González, et al. (2013) Revista de Especialidades Médico-Quirúrgicas 18 (2), 138-141.
- The Molecular Biology of Inflammatory Breast Cancer. H Astudillo-de la Vega, E Ruiz-Garcia, P Juarez-Sanchez, et al. (2013) Inflammatory Breast Cancer, Springer Books. 109-117.
- Consenso nacional de diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas. O Arrieta, E Guzmán-de Alba, LF Alba-López, A Acosta-Espinoza, et al. (2013) Revista de Investigación Clínica 65 (S1), 5-84.
- Male urethral pap smears and peniscopy examination and polymerase chain reaction human papillomavirus correlation. M Lilia Tena‐Suck, A Alarcón‐Herrera, A Tirado‐Sánchez, F Rösl, et al. (2012) Diagnostic Cytopathology 40 (7), 597-603.
- Treatment of malignant, non-resectable, epithelial origin esophageal tumours with the humanized anti-epidermal growth factor antibody nimotuzumab combined with radiation … M Ramos-Suzarte, P Lorenzo-Luaces, NG Lazo, ML Perez, JL Soriano, et al. (2012) Cancer Biology & Therapy 13 (8), 600-605.
- Toll-like receptor 7 and 9 (TLR 7 and TLR 9) expression in biopsies of in situ cervical cancer. MA Moreno-Eutimio, R Aragon-Franco, C Lopez-Macias, AJ Silva, et al. (2012) Journal of Clinical Oncology 30 (15_suppl), e15584-e15584.
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with intensive dose of epirubicin and different cycles in patients with locally advanced breast cancer: 4 FE100C … N Ramirez, JE Herrera, JF Chavez, H Astudillo. (2012) Journal of Clinical Oncology 30 (15_suppl), e11565-e11565.
- Proliferation and apoptosis genes as prognostic and predictive factors in breast cancer: Towards personalized medicine. H Maldonado-Martinez, MÁ Pluma-Jiménez, R Grajales-Álvarez, et al. (2011) Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia, 210-221.
- Genes de proliferación y apoptosis como factores predictivos y pronósticos en el cáncer de mama: hacia una medicina personalizada. H Maldonado-Martinez, MÁ Pluma-Jiménez, R Grajales-Álvarez, et al. (2011) GAMO 10 (4), 210.
- High response rates with bevacizumab, docetaxel, and carboplatin in patients with HER2-negative advanced breast cancer: An experience of 22 case reports. G Tellez-Trevilla, P Cabrera-Galeana, E Gomez-Plata, JL Barrera-Franco, et al. (2011) Journal of Clinical Oncology 29 (15_suppl), e11538-e11538.
- Molecular analysis of KRAS polymorphism mutation using a high-resolution melting system in a large mCRC patients sample in Mexico. H Astudillo, EB Ruiz-Garcia, VM Vazquez, J Bastarrachea, et al. (2011) Journal of Clinical Oncology 29 (15_suppl), e14132-e14132.
- Proteomic analysis of TLR7 expression and clinical correlation in prostate carcinomas compared with prostatic benign lesions. R Aragon-Franco, H Rosas-Hernandez, G Garrido-Sanchez, H Astudillo. (2011) Journal of Clinical Oncology 29 (15_suppl), e15195-e15195.
- 6032 POSTER Colonic Tumour Localization, Clinicopathological Patterns and Incidence of Colorectal Carcinoma in Mexican Population. E Ruiz-Garcia, H Astudillo-de la Vega, JL Aguilar-Ponce, et al. (2011) European Journal of Cancer, S400-S401.
- 1101 POSTER Identification of KRas Mutational Polymorphism by Molecular Analysis Using High-resolution Melting System in a Large MCRC Mexican Sample. H Astudillo-de la Vega, P Romero-Garcia, JA Silva, R Villalobos-Valencia, et al. (2011) European Journal of Cancer, S124-S125.
- 5063 POSTER Improvement of Neoadjuvant Therapy Response by Using 4FE100C Vs 6FE100C in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. N Ramirez-Torres, A Perez-Puente, J Asbun-Bojalil, E Ruiz-Garcia, et al. (2011) European Journal of Cancer, S349.
- 1150 POSTER Analysis of Biological Markers, Tumoral Predictors and Clinical Features as Prognosis Factors to Cnemotherapy Response in Metastatic Carcinomas of Unknown Primary Site. R Grajales-Alvarez, G Martinez-Martinez, AE Martin-Aguilar, JA Silva, et al. (2011) European Journal of Cancer, S138-S139.
- Abstract P1-11-21: Effectiveness Analysis of Neoadjuvant Treatment by Using 4FE100C vs 6FE100C in Patients with Advanced Breast Cancer. N Ramirez-Torres, A Perez-Puentes, H Astudillo-de la Vega. (2010) Cancer Research 70 (24 Supplement), P1-11-21-P1-11-21.
- E‐cadherin expression in male urethral smears and correlation with PCR‐based detection of human papillomavirus infection. ML Tena‐Suck, A Alarcón, F Rösl, HA la Vega. (2010) Diagnostic Cytopathology 38 (8), 583-589.
- Association between penoscopy data and urethral cytology among men with partners who had cervical lesions associated with human papilloma virus. A Alarcon-Herrera, A Cervantes-Sánchez, T Meneses-Miranda, et al. (2010) Gaceta Medica de Mexico 146 (4), 274-280.
- El papel de la quimiorresistencia en los tumores sólidos. H Astudillo-de la Vega, RG Erika, MC Jorge, OC Francisco. (2010) GAMO 9 (3), 117-126.
- El papel de los Toll Like Receptors (TLRs) en la respuesta inmune innata contra el cáncer cérvico-uterino. F Aragón-Franco, C López-Macías, I Estrada-García, et al. (2010) Revista de Sanidad Militar [revista en internet], 287-288.
- Penoscopia y citología uretral en hombres con parejas que presentan lesiones cervicales por virus del papiloma humano. A Alarcón-Herrera, A Cervantes-Sánchez, T Meneses-Miranda, et al. (2010) Gaceta Medica de Mexico 146 (4), 274-280.
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